You can activate and control cues by sending text commands via the serial port on a Vista console or PC running the Vista application. Mac users will need a Keyspan 19H USB to serial converter to receive serial commands. Connecting to the serial port The cable that connects from the triggering device to the Vista […]
Category: Remote Control
Using Midi for remote control
You can activate and control cues by sending Midi Notes, Midi Timecode and Midi Show Control (MSC) messages to your Vista console, Control surface or Windows/Mac computer. The Vista L, T, I and S series consoles have midi connectors but you can also send midi directly to a Windows or Mac PC via a suitable […]
Using VNC with Vista consoles
VNC password The default password for VNC connections is ‘password’. Starting VNC To start the VNC server on a Vista T series or I series console: Restart the console. When the red Boot Menu screen appears press any key to stop at this window. Then use keyboard arrow keys to select a startup option. Select […]
Timecode Linear & Midi
Using Timecode to control Cuelists You can use Linear Time Code (LTC) or Midi Time Code (MTC) to trigger cues. If you are going to be running Vista in conjunction with a device that generates LTC (aka SMTPE) or MIDI timecode, you can also simulate the timecode so you can get your show running without […]
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